Command |
Purpose |
!suggest <suggestion> |
Suggest a feature, either for the cheat, the discord server, or anything else that we are involved in. |
!report <bug/player/ban> <description/ban type(overwatch/vac)/player name> <reason for reporting> |
Report a bug in any of our products, a player for breaking a rule, or a ban that you received while using one of our products. |
!admins <message> |
Send a private question or message to mods |
!vip |
Send info about the vip role to the channel you are in |
!preset <optional: rage/legit> |
Send our preferred legit and rage preset to your DMs. Not specifying one will send both. |
!giveaway <enter/info> |
Enter: Enters the current giveaway (if you have the necessary role), Info: Send info about the current giveaway to the channel you are in |
!accept <optional: username> <optional: static/smurf> |
Accepts the rules of the server, allows you to participate. Adding a username and service checks our server to see if you are a current Static Ware or SmurfWrecker user and assigns you the correct role. This is not necessary if you input your discord username at signup on either site. |